Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Drug Control Free Essays

We Must Do Better About Drugs As we know, all countries in the world prohibited hard drug, but it means that we are safe and far from drugs? Definitely not! Drug eliminated from aboveboard; still lived under the night. Prescription drug abuse is the Nation’s fastest-growing drug problem; smuggling of drug can never disappear (2011 National Drug Control Strategy 4). By the way, women’s involvement in drug trafficking in recent years has expanded dramatically (Campbell 233). We will write a custom essay sample on Drug Control or any similar topic only for you Order Now Spreading of Drug decreases a nation’s physical quality, psychological condition, and life expectancy. Because no country could afford those integral losses bring from pressure of public medical benefit, no one open hard drugs. Drug is the demon, which come in from crack of door, continue his villainy that should be bar out. We cannot wait to raise awareness of drug control; we cannot wait to improve our tactics; we cannot wait to arrest more loss happen. Executions of prohibitions, living examples of suffering, and confirmed side-effects warn us must focus on the issue. Prohibition in worldwide was actually helped. Making a general survey of our history, people have experienced full of wound bring by drug abuse. In 1840, opium was used by British government as weapon to raise the certain of invasion in China. The plentiful opium destroyed Chinese army, caused factory deficit of labors, and induced a mass of sliver outflow. The nightmare had drop away already. Today, smuggling of drug are still rampant. The grim axiom defining today’s Afghanistan, 85 percent of whose citizens are farmers, farmers who cultivate fields of poppies, is that its economy relies on two dueling revenue streams (Draper 58). At May 2, 2011, United States Government Accountability Office acted Office of National Drug Control Policy. The document focused on three areas where substantial short-term progress can make a significant different in people’s lives—prescription drug abuse, drugged driving, and prevention. The document points out that whether struggling with an addiction, worrying about a loved one’s substance abuse, or being a victim of drug related crime, millions of people in this country live with the devastating consequences of illicit drug use. Overall the economic impact of illicit drug use on American society totaled more than $ 193 billion in 2007, the ost recent year for which data are available. Drug-induced deaths now outnumber gunshot deaths in America, and in 17 states and Washington, D. C. , they now exceed motor vehicle crashes as the leading cause of injury death. In addition, 1 in every 10 cased of HIV diagnosed in 2007 was transmitted via injection drug use, and drug use itself fosters risky behavior contributing to the spread of infectious diseases nationwide. Furth ermore, studies of children in foster care find that two-thirds to three-quarters of cases involve parental substances than high-achieving students. Finally, Americans with drug or alcohol use disorder spend more days in the hospital and require more expensive care than they would absent such disorder. This contributes to almost $ 32 billion in medical costs per year—a burden that our communities, employers, and small business cannot afford to bear. This document planed to achieve two goals in 2015. The first one is curtail illicit drug consumption in America; the second one is that improve the public health and public safety of the American people by reducing the consequences of drug abuse. 2011 National Drug Control Strategy 1) Still nowadays, some individual continues the tragedy about drug abuse. Bad trip is generic name of symptoms after taking hallucinogen. They start small and can snowball into anxiety, fear, paranoia, and paralysis. People experiencing a bad trip may appear withdrawn and silent or visibly upset, scared or wild. They may curl up into fetal position. Sufferer may feels like his is going insane, or lo sing control or dying. And he may get caught in circular thoughts, like a hall of mirrors. The anxiety may trigger breathlessness or even a full-blown panic attack (Lawrence 28). K3 is a kind of hallucinogen, which just is ban in Kansas for only one month. Before its ban, so many people experienced bad trip from it. After the poor nice feeling, billowy terrible emotions will come. Some people may black out when they driving or do something, the disruption would cause accident. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, roughly one in eight weekend, nighttime drivers tested positive for illicit drug. Wu et al. 358) In 2009, drivers who were killed in motor vehicle crashes (and subsequently tested and had results reported), one in three tested positive for drugs. One in eight high school seniors self-report that in the last 2 weeks they drove a car after using marijuana( Lu et al. 111). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claimed that more than 27,000 people died from drug overdose death in 2007. Drug is the Dementor, a kind of monster in Hurry Potter, which living relys on people’ blessedness and soul. Apiate caused low physical quality, dysendororisiasis and anaphrodisia; ice and other amphetamine would lead to over exciting, which likely cause violence crime, also make permanent physical injury to brain; taking heroin may live in 20 years, however, taking ice must get mad in five years; also, marijuana increase lung cancer rate; LSD, Lysergids may caused schizophrenia (Jafari 373). According to a survey of Addiction Treatment Centre in Yunnan China, rate of drug relapse closes to one hundred percent (Zhu et al. 641). Drug and alcohol use affects health outcomes, job opportunities, family life, military preparedness, and academic outcome. It is necessary for us to raise awareness against any kinds of drugs. Also government should improve job market to ensure the livelihood of poor people, thus they did not have to plant or charge drug for money, expressly in some barren regions. At the same time, strong policy is important for drug control. Prescriptive drug use should be limited and customers have to register their name and information. Severe punitive measures will be effective, and powerful immigration control will be helpful. Government and school have responsibility to let students know how bad drug is. Milton Friedman, Noble Prize in Economic Science owner in 1976, had claimed that â€Å"Reason with the potential addict, yes. Tell him the consequences, yes. Pray for and with him, yes. But I believe that we have no right to use force, directly or indirectly, to prevent a fellow man from committing suicide, let alone from drinking alcohol or taking drugs. † (Thompson 546) He believed that we seem decided to make the same mistake as Alcohol ban in early 1920. Is that true? The right way to reduce suffering drug brings to us is making drug legal? Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. Spreading of Drug decreases a nation’s physical quality, psychological condition, and life expectancy. Because no country could afford those integral losses bring from pressure of public medical benefit, no one open hard drugs. It’s not true that drug control leads to high price of it; it’s not true that drug control cause poor quality drug which more harmful to physical; it’s not true that drug control convenient people â€Å"plant† charge of concealing drug to others. This monster breaks up happiness family, rein people’ life which should have bright light, destroy a nation doomed eternally. That’s drug’s truth. People need control themselves away from drug, human also do. Prohibition of drug is an effective way. Some people consider that drug control already start an end of drug age. The fact is that although sun was here, the dark still remain in nook. Human became stronger because of our reason and automatic control. However, drug could broke our magic clear brain, let us mad or decadence and lose our brave emotions and logical. As we cannot sure to control us from nerve disturb, far away from drug is the most sensible choice. Before we try it, we can choose take it or not, however, after taking, reason and knowledge and intelligence forfeit their power to stop calamity happening. So, just take care! ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Hypophora. This sentence asks a question that will be answered immediately after. [ 2 ]. Antithesis. Expresses opposite concepts to highlight emphasis on the topic. [ 3 ]. Parallelism. The state of being parallel or of corresponding in some way. [ 4 ]. Metaphor. The sentence in order to show that the two things have same qualities. [ 5 ]. Anaphora. The repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses. [ 6 ]. Parallelism. The state of being parallel or of corresponding in some way. [ 7 ]. Parallelism. The state of being parallel or of corresponding in some way. [ 8 ]. Oxymoron. Apparently contradictiory terms appear in conjunction. [ 9 ]. Metaphor. The sentence in order to show that the two things have same qualities. [ 10 ]. Parallelism. The state of being parallel or of corresponding in some way. 11 ]. Hypophora. This sentence asks a question that will be answered immediately after. [ 12 ]. Parallelism. The state of being parallel or of corresponding in some way. [ 13 ]. Anaphora. The repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses. [ 14 ]. Parallelism. The state of being parallel or of corresponding in some way. Metaphor. [ 15 ]. Oxymoron. Apparently contradictiory terms appear in conjun ction. [ 16 ]. Metaphor. The sentence in order to show that the two things have same qualities. [ 17 ]. Analogy. Comparision between one thing and another. How to cite Drug Control, Essay examples

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