Monday, September 30, 2019

Demand Elasticity of Luxury Automobiles Essay

In the luxury automobile market, there are many vehicles that boast high quality workmanship, luxurious appointments and powerful drivetrains. For this research paper, the midsize luxury sedan segment was chosen because most of the vehicles from the brands in this segment have similar features, power, and most importantly, price tags. The flagship models of the brands were not chosen since the features and amenities are very different from car to car to such a degree that it would be almost impossible to compare the models. The retail prices of the flagship vehicles also vary by a few thousand dollars, making a fair comparison between the models even more difficult. The midsize luxury sedan segment offers consumers a good mix of quality components and craftsmanship, luxurious amenities, and ample power for daily commuting. These vehicles are designed for consumers who want luxurious, high quality vehicles at a fair price. The vehicle chosen for this study is the all-new Lexus GS430 sedan. The Lexus’ two closest competitors are the BMW 545i and the Cadillac STS V8. The vehicles chosen are with all standard equipment but the navigation system option was added to each since the Lexus comes with it already loaded. The engine and transmission options were also chosen to equally match the vehicles in power and price. Since there is no central retail location where one can purchase any brand of vehicle they want, three dealerships were surveyed for price information for each brand of vehicle included in this study. Surveying three dealerships for pricing for the same car allows us to not only see the price differences from one dealership to another but also allows us to compare the price of that vehicle with another from a totally different make. See Appendix I for the results of the survey. The vehicles chosen in this study all boasted high quality craftsmanship coupled with fine materials. The materials used in the interior of the were applied tastefully, and generously. The body panel fit and finish of all three vehicles was good, but the BMW had the tightest tolerances of the group. The paint finish however left much to be desired from all three models. There was a lot of orange peel in the finish of the paint. The interior design of the three models was tasteful, with the Cadillac being the most conservative and the BMW the most radically designed interior. The Cadillac had a good mix of both radical design and conservative styling. The BMW had the iDrive system which has a short learning curve to it, but it is supposed to simplify how you use the systems in the car. There wasn’t enough time to learn how to fully utilize the features of the iDrive system, but, in my opinion, turning on the air conditioner shouldn’t require reading a manual or much less, attending a training session for how to use the device. The training session is provided by BMW to new owners of vehicles equipped with the system. The iDrive system will have an effect on a consumer’s decision to purchase the vehicle since some consumers may find it cumbersome to use. Cadillac’s functions and controls were very simple and straight-forward. The navigation system and radio controls were touch screen and were displayed on a rather large monitor. The controls were easy to use and logically placed. The Lexus had a good mix of conservative and radical styling. The controls were laid out logically and the interior looked very clean. The Lexus had a hideaway drawer that had a lot of controls and buttons in it that was easily tucked away out of view. All three models come standard with passenger and side air bags. They all come with a CD player and heated seats. A navigation system is available with each vehicle, but is standard on the GS430. To even out the playing field, the navigation option was added to the Cadillac and BMW. This change in options actually brought the prices of the vehicles very close together. The Lexus had the most front leg room; however the Cadillac had the most interior volume. All three models have about the same power output with the BMW being the most powerful with a 325HP engine. The Cadillac was a close second with a 320HP engine and the GS430 came last with a 300HP engine. They all achieve approximately the same miles per gallon in the city, but highway mileage varies between the three models with the BMW being the most efficient out of the group. The BMW gets 18 miles to the gallon in the city and 26 on the highway, the Lexus 18/23, and the Cadillac 16/22 miles to the gallon, respectively. The Lexus felt the most nimble because as was suspected, it had a lower curb weight than the other models. The transmissions on all models were super smooth and power delivery was consistent with throttle input. The Lexus had the smoothest ride out of all three, however it achieved this because of how disconnected it felt from the road. The lack of communication from the suspension to the driver in the Lexus leaves the driver uncertain of road conditions and forces the driver to rely on vehicle safety systems to keep the car stable. The BMW had a sport suspension which made the ride a little rougher than the others, but was the most responsive to inputs from the driver and was the best at communicating road conditions to the driver, and because of this offered the most interactive driving experience. The suspension was tight and allowed the sedan to maneuver like a sports car. The Cadillac also had a smooth ride, but road feel was more prominent which made the ride feel a little less smooth than the Lexus. The Cadillac maneuvered well, but a stiffer suspension would make this vehicle a real performer. In conclusion, the quality levels of all three vehicles were near the same level. The BMW had the tightest tolerances in fit and finish with the most responsive ride, though the iDrive system is sure to turn off some prospective buyers. The Lexus had a smooth ride with luxurious appointments throughout, whereas the Cadillac had a good mix of both performance and luxury. The Lexus and Cadillac also had a keyless entry and ignition system which allowed you to get into your car and turn it on without ever taking the key fob out of your pocket. The consumers who purchase these vehicles are mid-upper class citizens. They are price-conscious and would like to get the best bang for their buck when purchasing a luxury car. The difference in the prices of alternate vehicles may be the deciding factor when purchasing a vehicle in this class. I would suggest a slight price decrease for the Lexus so it would be priced below the Cadillac, making it the best bang for the buck all the while providing the same comforts and amenities as the BMW and the Cadillac. My estimation of the demand elasticity of luxury automobiles is that the demand is rather elastic. A slight change in price will cause a significant change in demand for that particular product. If the price of the Lexus, or for any model in this class for that matter, was to suddenly increase a few thousand dollars, that price increase would make consumers consider the Cadillac or BMW instead since they both have the same level of quality and features. â€Å"Consumption of goods and services that are considered a luxury can be easily reduced if the price rises. Hence demand tends to be more elastic for fur coats, luxury cars, extensive vacations, etc. Goods considered a necessity are so important that buyers tend to respond little to a price change. They do respond however, although demand tends to be price inelastic for such goods† (Walbert). Lower priced practical vehicles can be considered necessities since a price increase will not cause consumers to not purchase these products. A price change will not trigger them to wait until later when the price drops to purchase the car. They will purchase the vehicle at the price given since it is absolutely necessary to have the car. However this does not hold true for the luxury automobile market. Luxury automobiles are a much larger purchase than a practical commuter vehicle purchase. A consumer in the market for a luxury automobile can wait until there is a price decrease before purchasing the vehicle, hence making the demand elastic.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Utilization of Plastic Waste Production of Hollow Blocks and Bricks

The objective of this IP is to prove that plastics can be recycled into reusable hollow blocks/bricks and help the environment by lessening plastic waste. In this experiment, plastics were cut into small pieces to use them in bricks/hollow blocks.The objective of this project is to help prevent water pollution that causes flood, by collecting and using plastic wrappers in making hollow blocks and bricks. Plastic materials are commonly used in or daily lives. Plastic bags, wrappers, and other related products were introduced to substitute paper products. But now different problem arise because of the use of these materials. Land and water pollution are most common. Those plastic materials are improperly dumbed cause flood because plastic waste takes years to decompose. So one way to lessen those problems is to utilize those plastic waste products, instead of dumping them, and make them reusable. In this experiment we will demonstrate how plastic waste can be used in making hollow bloc ks and bricks.The product can only be used as decorative block and is not intended for building houses and the likes. Every day, we throw away large quantities of polymer in the form of plastic bottles, cartons, and yogurt pots. Experts estimate that 25 percent of polymer waste is unsuitable for recycling for three main reasons; it is economically unprofitable; and it is too dirty. Now, researchers from the Latvian Technological Center and the Institute of Polymer Mechanics at the University of Latvia have come up with a solution. Working with Hormigones Uniland, a Spanish cement company, the researchers have succeeded in turning thermoplastic polymer waste into a binding substance that could be mixed with other materials, like sand, to generate cement-free polymer concrete goods.â€Å"The polymer concrete bricks look like ordinary bricks made from cement,† says Dr. Juris Balodis, project manager at the Latvian Technological Centre. However, he points out that the polymer con crete absorbs less water† so it is very good for resisting temperature variations like freezing.† Both the European market and consumers are expected to benefit from this material, which can work well in a wide range of products,  including street furniture and street curbs. Dr. Balodis and his team are now researching how to accelerate the production of bricks. The current rate is three bricks per minute, but the team wants to increase production to between 30 and 60 bricks per minute.METHODOLOGYMaterials Plastic waste wrappers Cement Red cement Wafer PVC pipes Molder Basin Measuring cup StrainerPROCEDUREThe waste plastic materials were collected and cut into tiny pieces. A basin was prepared for the cement and plastic wrappers. Thirteen cups cement and 13 cups of plastic wrappers were poured into the basin and mixed well. A molder was prepared for the hollow blocks. Eleven cups of plastic wrappers and 11 cups of cement were mixed thoroughly. The mixture was then pour ed into the molder and allowed to dry for two days to ensure that it is firm before it is removed from the molder. For the bricks, two cups of cement, one cup of plastic wrappers, and one cup of red cement were mixed thoroughly. The mixture was then poured into the molder and allowed to dry for at least two days.Results and DiscussionThe following are the observations made on the resulting products: Ordinary Hollow Blocks†¢Long †¢Somewhat Brittle †¢Thick †¢Grayish White Ordinary Bricks †¢Hard †¢Thick †¢Wide †¢Easily Breaks †¢Brown Hollow Blocks with Plastic †¢Smaller in Size †¢More Durable †¢Thicker †¢Dirty White Bricks with Plastic †¢Harder †¢Thinner †¢Wider †¢Durable †¢Light RedConclusionWe therefore conclude that plastic waste can be used in the production of hollow blocks and bricks.Suggestion and RecommendationsThe Researchers recommend collecting plastic wrappers as well as other plastic waste and use or turn them into alternative products to and help the environment. This project can prove useful in homes. Those plastic wastes can be reused in a more profitable way. Lesser waste means lesser pollution in the environment.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

W8 Balanced Score cards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

W8 Balanced Score cards - Essay Example 2). For the current discourse, the aim is to select a company from the Balanced Scorecard Institute official website which applied the balanced scorecard approach and which led to facilitating the achievement of defined goals in a more efficient and effective manner. The selected company is Kenya Red Cross and the experience of applying the balanced scorecard was told from the point of view of its Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Strategy Champion for the Kenya Red Cross Society, Arthur Omolo (Omolo, 2010). Evaluation of the Scorecard The organization’s balanced scorecard was shown in this link: From the framework, the structure was classified into subsections which include the following: Mission, vision, core values, beneficiary value proposition; Strategic themes; Strategy map; Presentation of objectives, performance measures, target, and initiatives according to: Beneficiary, stakeholder; Finan cial stewardship; Business processes; and Organizational capacity. In terms of possessing the crucial ingredients of the balanced scorecard, the application strictly complied and adhered to the needed requirements; which contributed to its effectiveness. First and foremost, the explicit identification of the mission and vision statement was present and even included the value proposition which stated â€Å"Always There† to the beneficiaries of their services. The strategy map also vividly presented a visual summary of the objectives that would necessitate the design of strategies to effectively achieve them. Likewise, it was commendable that Kenya Red Cross presented an in-depth and comprehensive enumeration of the objectives, performance measures, targets, and initiatives that assisted in designing appropriate strategies which could be instrumental in facilitating the attainment of the identified goals. Overall, the structure and presentation was clear, straightforward, and highly commendable for following the essential elements required by the balanced scorecard approach (Kenya Red Cross, n.d.). As emphasized, there were enumerable benefits that were realized by the Kenya Red Cross due to the application of the balanced scorecard. According to Omolo (2010): â€Å"there are so many firsts with the balanced scorecard. Kenya Red Cross for the first time has a strategy that has performance measures and targets. For the first time we can present our strategy on a single sheet of paper. The balanced scorecard has changed the conversation on strategy and increased the focus on consistent monitoring of the strategy† (p. 2). Personal Reaction What did you like? Honestly, the experience relayed by Kenya Red Cross regarding the manner by which the balanced scorecard approach assisted in their ability to gauge the effectiveness of their strategies in achieving organizational objectives were inspiring and enlightening. I liked the way that the Chief Financi al Officer was able to communicate through the approach that in one comprehensive view, the organization is able to monitor their performance against mission, vision, and goals statements and inevitably assisted in adhering to the value proposition as required of the humanitarian organization. The most relevant realization that was relayed by Omolo (2010) focused on the ability of the balanced

Friday, September 27, 2019

Achieving and Sustaining Growth at Lenovo Research Paper

Achieving and Sustaining Growth at Lenovo - Research Paper Example The Company has ranked behind only two companies – Hewlett Packard and Dell in profitability for 2006. However, customer perception of the Company does not appear good on certain issues such as installation, after sales service and availability of credit, based on a survey conducted as a part of this research effort. Lenovo must improve on these aspects, as well as build upon its success factors in order to sustain its current levels of growth. Japan, the United States and Europe represented the majority of global production and sales of computers and related products during the 2000s. One division of the computer industry is Personal Computers – which are systems with inbred processing facilities embedded in one silicon chip, and these computers are primarily intended for single users. Personal computers first appeared in the 1970s with Apple II being introduced in 1977. IBM PCs became competitive in 1981. (Snapshot). The two major types of personal Computers are PC and Macs, which are Personal Computers manufactured by the Apple Company. In the computer industry, Japan and the United States were the largest supercomputer manufacturers. Mainframe sales dropped in the 1980s and 1990s due to the development of client/server technology, with mid-range systems developing in the 1990s. With increasing sales, IBM and Hewlett Packard emerged as the major players and Hewlett Packard’s partnership with Intel has facilitated its growth in the marketplace (Snapshot). With an increase in globalization, smaller, cheaper, standardized systems like PCs have been gaining popularity. In an effort to improve sales volumes and reduce costs, PC companies have been entering into networking arrangements with other companies to share research and development costs. One example is that of Microsoft and Intel that worked together to develop the Net-PC and NEC’s PC operations with Packard Bell, forming a new venture known as Packard Bell-NEC (Snapshot).  Ã‚  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

FIN CASE STUDY Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

FIN - Case Study Example Other nations have invested heavily in China due to their best known expertise on electrical gadgets including motors. With the china transition, the growth and efficiency was associated with the rapid increase of the factors China had without associating the ownership institutional factors while the World Bank was able to use financial institutions in developing its strategy. 2. The Chinese people lost their investments during the Second World War shuttering down their dreams of developing globalization. Shiseido organization was able to establish businesses in countries outside china by expanding them to Europe and North America. The market conditions affected the business which was different from their normal conditions. The introduction of the foreign firms also led to the loss in the market share of China. Shiseido was quite clever by the fact that they built Auples, women cosmetic brands that boosted Chinese women. It later led to the construction of a larger network that increased the Chinese stores. 3. In my opinion, the regulations focus on the variables that lead to financial crisis in all the cases are unemployment and inflation. Other causes can be indebtedness with the various liabilities that are both private and foreign. There is also a crisis of currency that affects the banking in both the cases that leads to the introduction of the banking regulations. Most of the emerging countries have a vulnerability to the crisis that is caused by large liabilities that overflows the capital in question. On the other hand, the rules and regulations can be advantageous by changing the banking system that will generate more income and reduce the inflation and employment problems. With the economic contagion, there should be an introduction of more job careers with stable terms and conditions. This will enable the economies to reduce inflation. The government body should come in and impose revenue

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Marketing analyses for the Arab National Bank Essay

Marketing analyses for the Arab National Bank - Essay Example accepting banking services. The bank as its programs tailored to fit into Sheria the Muslim teaching. It is the reason that the company targets high income earners and business Saudis because they have changed to banking system service. There are no barriers for the company to expand its services to other ranches in the country. The strategic direction of the bank projects opening up of more branches and targeting female high income. There are many options available for the company such as partnering with other The bargaining power of the suppliers is high, the customers who deposit money, mortgage, loans, the interest rates. The bank suppliers of the money demand high level of accountability and interest rates. The buyers in this case the loan seekers, mortgage and other withdrawal services. The debit and credit card users demand high level of security for the cards they use. Availability and reliability of the services is critical for the buyers. in card payment transactions and it has a value share of 60%. It means there are other top banks in Saudi that offers better services. Charge card transaction competitive position is at number 4,with 5.4% value share, the debit transactions has a value share of 7.3% and it is also ranked 4 and the credit card transactions has 5.6% value share where it is ranked 7th. The bank has put in place plans to target female consumers but starting only women branches that targets high income women. The cards that the bank offers has a wide range of services that meet the customer needs. The company is also venturing into technology by having touch screen where it offers credit to customers to purchase the devices. The bank has a range of prices and interests that are decided by the Central Bank. The bank also strategized on bringing services closer to the customers through establishment of more branches in remote areas. The bank is committed in implementing a well-structured contingency plan to counter the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The Organization System - Culture and HR Policies and Practices Term Paper

The Organization System - Culture and HR Policies and Practices - Term Paper Example Hence resource-based view of the firm suggests that if an organization has any resource which is valuable, immobile and inimitable it can be used as its sustained competitive advantage which will work as a weapon against its competitors. Wright and McMahan (1992) identified four criteria for a firm’s resource to provide as a source for sustained competitive advantage as: 1) Contribute positive value to the firm 2) Unique among competitors (both current and potential) 3) Must be imperfectly imitable 4) Must not have any alternative resource to get replaced This means that for a resource to provide competitive advantage to a firm it must be unique, rare, difficult to copy and without alternatives; above all it must add positive value to the firm. Applying this concept to Southwest Airlines it can be seen that Southwest Airlines has utilized its human resources and nourished the relationship among various levels of staff to offer quality services to its client. Competitive advant age of Southwest Airlines as identified by many authors and researchers is the relationship between its employees which ensures the firm, overall, has a shared knowledge and goal base to proceed on. Gittell (2005, p. xii) explained it beautifully â€Å"Southwest's most powerful organizational competency--the "secret ingredient" that makes it so distinctive--is its ability to build and sustained high performance relationships among managers, employees, unions, and suppliers.   These relationships are characterized by shared goals, shared knowledge, and mutual respect†. Hence this characteristic of shared knowledge and shared goals arrived at by mutual relationship among employees is what makes it distinctive among its competitors. Applying the four criteria identified by Wright and McMahan (1992) on the above discussed competency of Southwest Airlines, we can say that being a part of an industry where customer’s experience matters a lot this is a competency which abso lutely adds real value to the company. Only when employees work according to a shared goal will their actions work in the same direction, which is, of course, utmost important in achieving customer satisfaction. As far as being unique is concerned, in an industry where there’s cut throat competition and every airline is striving hard to improve its services, achieving a level where the resource become an irreplaceable competency is certainly considered as unique. Though the resource is not completely inimitable however it is difficult to imitate. This is because though every airline works to improve its customer relationships via embedding a sense of shared goals among its employees however doing is perfectly is what only Southwest Airlines is doing. There exists evidence in literature that Southwest Airlines is unleashing its employees’ relationship in such a manner that it promises the firm a valuable and inimitable resource. Hence the resource can be considered as i mperfectly imitable. Lastly, since human resources, specifically human intellect, as suggested by Zairi, Jarar & Aspinwall (2010) â€Å"is fast becoming the executive skill of the age† it is difficult to find an equally worthy alternative. They added that there is no doubt many facets in an organization like IT, new processes, new products and services etc however they are well replaceable, whereas the only irreplaceable resource is workforce in

Monday, September 23, 2019

Facilitating the Educational Approaches to Students with Special Needs Essay

Facilitating the Educational Approaches to Students with Special Needs - Essay Example Within the context of the classroom setting, the teacher is required to identify the most effective of the teaching strategies which may be deployed vis--vis the special needs students. Identification is done through either the problem solving or the special protocol approach (Teaching LD, 005). Ideally, the characteristics and needs of the students function as the primary determinant of the learning approach which will ultimately be selected. The problem-solving approach, as clarified in "Teaching LD"(2005) is comprised of four steps. These are problem identification, problem analysis, plan implementation, and problem evaluation. The first step is an observational one, whereby the teacher is required to observe students classroom behavior for identification of problem areas. The second step focuses on the analysis of the identified problem for the purpose of identifying the factors which incite them and how these problems may be addressed. This second step, in other words, involves an in-depth exploration of the identified problem for the purposes of formulating a corrective plan. The third step entails the implementation of the individual student plans which were formulated in the previous step.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

I am J and the question of gender Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

I am J and the question of gender - Essay Example For instance, from J’s earliest childhood memory, she was praised as a lovely cute boy while running without a shirt was very embracing for him. She faced this shame all her life in a number of other ways till he matures into a gangly seventeen year old girl. Whether he is at school competing in the swimming team or at home arguing with his parents, he always saw world as a confused and backward place. As J begins his transformation, he avoids going to school and bunk out all night to avoid his uncomfortable home and gives his mind a space where it can relax and understand his gender identity. In his gender identity quest, he thought of taking testosterone shots and surgical methods as he thinks that it will give him more confidence and let him what he really is, regardless of what his parents and others think(Beam, 2011). Marcia who was J’s friend also a transgender thinks that all of us possess some masculine and feminine qualities. For me, I agree with the statement partially. Yes, we do have same qualities and the intensity of these qualities may range from person to person, but such qualities do not show our gender trait. A gender is a trait that is specified by anatomy and physiology of a person. A boy who is more emotional does not mean that he is a girl

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Human Behavior Organization Essay Example for Free

Human Behavior Organization Essay Human behavior is important in an organization as it defines how people work together and interact with one another. A co-operative team with an established leader will produce better results than a group of people that have no guidance and dont know how to work with one another. Organizations spend time and effort in the human resources department ensuring human behavior in the workplace is appropriate and productive. †¢ Human behavior and the organization hierarchy Human behavior is of crucial importance in the establishment of a hierarchy. Hierarchies are necessary in every kind of organization, from schools to companies to charities. Some homes even have a hierarchy established. Hierarchies allow workers in an organization to pursue similar objectives by working together. Leaders are needed to guide organization members through day-to-day tasks. Human behavior dictates the strongest will be highest in a hierarchy, as it is for those people organization members have the greatest respect. For instance, in a company, it will be those with the most work experience and highest standard of qualifications who gain high hierarchy positions. †¢ Human behavior and co-operation Human behavior allows members of an organization to work together effectively. As people know the necessary way in which to interact with one another, they can communicate effectively and build good working relationships that allow organization objectives to be pursued with maximum effect. Sometimes it is necessary to influence and change human behavior in terms of cooperation. For instance, a few decades ago it was considered the norm for male colleagues to call female colleagues pet names such as love and hun. Nowadays, this is thought to be unprofessional and even derogatory. Any organization member who treats their colleagues in a way that is deemed inappropriate can face disciplinary procedures if they do not alter their behavior.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Integrated Severe Accident Codes

Integrated Severe Accident Codes Advanced safety evaluations and design optimizations that were not possible few years ago can now be performed. Nowadays, it becomes possible to switch to new generation of computational tools in order to get better realistic simulations of complex phenomena and transients. The challenge today is to revisit safety features of the existing research reactors in order to verify that the safety requirements still met and when necessary to introduce some amendments, coming from not only the new requirements but also, in order to introduce new equipments from recent advancement of new technologies. The objective of this work is to give an overview of the state of the art in performing safety analysis of research reactors and to emphasize the need and the provision to achieve such goals. An attempt to perform standardized safety analyses for RR was proposed by the International Atomic Energy Agency e IAEA. In the framework of core conversion from the use of highly enriched uranium fuel to the use of low enriched uranium fuel. In this regard, a safety related benchmark problem for an idealized generic 10 MW MTR light-water pool-type reactor was specified in order to compare computational methods used in various research centers and institutions. The related benchmark problem covers large steady state kinetic and thermal-hydraulic calculations and wide range of hypothetical dynamic transient conditions. However, almost all of the safety analyses have so far been performed using conservative computational tools. Nowadays, an established international expertise in relation to computational tools, procedures for their application, including best estimate methods supported by uncertainty evaluation, and comprehensive experimental database exists within the safety technology of Nuclear Power Plants (NPP). The importance of transferring NPP safety technology tools and methods to RR safety technology has been noted in recent IAEA activities. However, the ranges of parameters of interest to RR are different from those for NPP. This is namely true for fuel composition, system pressure, adopted materials and overall system geometric configuration. The large variety of research reactors prevented so far the achievement of systematic and detailed lists of initiating events based upon qualified PSA (Probabilistic Safety Assessment) studies with results endorsed by the international community. However, bounding and generalized lists of events are available from IAEA documents and can be considered for de eper studies in the area. In the area of acceptance criteria, established standards accepted by the international community are available. Therefore no major effort is needed, but an effort appears worthwhile to check that those standards are adopted and that the related thresholds are fulfilled. The importance of suitable experimental validation is recognized. A large amount of data exists as the kinetic dynamic core behavior form SPERT reactors tests. However, not all data are accessible to all institutions and the relationship between the range of parameters of experiments and the range of parameters relevant to RR technology is not always established. However, code-assessment through relevant set of experimental data is recorded and properly stored. An established technology exists for development, qualification and application of system thermal-hydraulics codes suitable to be adopted for accident analysis in research reactors. This derives from NPP technology. The applicability of system codes like RELAP5, COBRA and MARS to the research reactor needs has been confirmed from recent IAEA activities. Definitely, system codes are mature for application to transient analysis in research reactors. However, code limitations have been found in predicting pressure drops as a function of mass flux at low values of mass flux when nucleate boiling occurs. The importance of the Whittle and Forgan experiments shall be mentioned, as well as the dependence of results from the noding (cell subdivision) adopted by the code users. Several code user choices, including time step may have a significant effect upon prediction, thus confirming the need for detailed code user guidelines. Furthermore, code validation must be demonstrated for the range of parameters of interest to research reactors. The crucial role of uncertainty in research reactor technology has been emphasized, (a) for the design, with main reference to the prediction of the nominal steady state conditions and, (b) for the safety issues, with main reference to the prediction of the time evolution of significant safety parameters. It has been observed that suitable-mature methods exist, but the spread of these methods and procedures within the community of scientists working in research reactor technology is limited. Therefore, the purpose of the present report is to provide an overview of the accident analysis technology applied to the research reactor, with emphasis given to the capabilities and limits of the used computational tools. There are many analysis codes for transient and accident analysis and simulating individual phenomena of severe accident. These analysis codes can be categorized into the different groups as shown in Table 1, where various analysis codes are classified into several groups. The integrated severe accident codes are formed by selecting and combining individual analysis tools. They can be used to model the whole sequence of the severe accident which may occur in the plant system or in the experimental facilities.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

the new guinea cargo plane cult from a socialogicle perspective :: essays research papers

The New Guinea cargo plane cult from a functionalist perspective stresses that the un-industrialization of the cult is due to the developed world not sharing technological advances with the tribe (cult). The tribe leader’s ability to explain the purpose of the cargo planes and the tribe’s inability to succeed with riches like that of the white man had a large affect on the tribe’s belief system. The tribes simple way of life was disturbed by the discovery of cargo planes in the sky, shocking whatever beliefs the tribe had prior to that discovery. It was the conclusion of the leaders or elders of the community that the planes where gifts from there ancestors and that their inability to succeed like other cultures was do to the white man coxing the plane to land in their fields, therefore stealing the riches that the cults ancestors sent to them. The manifest function of the leaders needing to explain what was happening was do to the culture shock the tribe received when the first saw the planes, while however the latent function of the of this was to keep the tribe unified through ignorance. It was the only way to keep a small community of confused people together do to the fact that people do not like to be separated from the people whom they’ve become familiar with. Though the manifest functions of adoring the cargo planes proves to be a shift of blame from the tribe leaders to the white man, the latent function has proved to unify the tribe in faith and in their daily walk of life. Solidarity is their shining light of hope in a world that has left them, however to analyze a group of people from a sociological perspective one must provide more than one perspective. Karl Marx developed the conflict theory and concluded that â€Å"the key to human history is class struggle. In every society, some small group controls the means of production and exploits those who are not in control (Henslin,2004 pg.15)†. According to Karl Marx â€Å"authority that people consider legitimate permeates society on every level.† People whom are in positions of authority will always try to enforce conformity within a community. In the case of the cargo plane cult the people of the community consider the priest as their legitimate authority, authorities that have come to realization that the discovery of the planes questions the knowledge of the priest and could in fact end their position as leaders in their community.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Leadership and Management Essay -- essays research papers

1. A. Is there a difference between effective leadership and effective management? Yes, I believe that managers are analytical, structured, controlled, deliberate, and orderly. Leaders are experimental, willing to take chances, visionaries, flexible, unfettered, and creative. These are the differences between management and leaders. B. Someone from the 21st century who I believe is an effective leader is Steven Jobs, of Apple computers. I believe he is an effective leader because he pursues visions even when his competition has a strong hold on the computer industry. He still motivates his people to keep coming up with ideals to stay competitive with Microsoft and not let them run a monopoly on software and patents on computers. His power base is that he senses opportunities and pursues dreams to keep his company competitive. C. A leader of the opposite sex that I think is like Steve Jobs is Martha Stewart. She had a vision to take home decorating and cooking to another level by connecting with millions of homemakers through TV shows and the selling of her products through K-mart. Martha was just pursuing her dreams to play in the corporate world with men. She senses opportunity when she sees it. She had the intuition to make her company a profitable one when her critics told her it would never work. D. I do feel that there is a general pattern of male/female leadership styles because leaders must be able to apply influence, develop people, set examples, inspire people, mana...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Earth-sifters of Tel Bet Shemesh Essay -- Personal Narrative Essay

The Earth-sifters of Tel Bet Shemesh    The newest addition to my bedroom wall is a framed enlargement of a summer solstice sunrise. It's not the only photo on my walls, but this one is different.  Ã‚      In that photo, light from a nearly-visible sun looms up from behind a cluster of tents and human silhouettes that could easily date back to the Early Iron Age. In fact, those silhouettes belong to twenty-first century, Early Silicon Age students in search of thirteen hundred year old artifacts atop an ancient, artificial mountain that was created over centuries as successive cultures built upon the ruins of previous civilizations. For me, as for the other students and professors who worked this summer at the archaeological excavation at Tel Bet Shemesh, this photo conjures up memories of earth-sifters and wheelbarrows, rhythmically chinking pickaxes on stone, and excavation grit grinding between our teeth. Zvi and Shlomo, our fearless Israeli directors, would excitedly exhort us to sweep, scrape, and sift with near-reckless abandon, on only one condition: we could never, unde... ...cial conflict. Because of the government's involvement with archaeological exploration and archaeology's dependence on international volunteers at Israeli excavation sites, not even remote digs were spared the political posturing that characterizes Middle Eastern life.    I highly recommend this experience to students who have a passion for cultural or political history, who are willing to work long hours, and who can live in a close community with other volunteers. Enthusiasm more than makes up for a lack of previous archaeological experience.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Evolution of Historiography in Greek Civilization Essay

Historiography is the study of how people transmit and obtain knowledge over time. It is a subject that can explain how people’s culture, social networks, economy and political ways have evolved over time. It simply shows people where they have come from to attain what is known as modernity. There are many people who have learnt the different histories of different cultures. In the paper, it is evident that there is a historiography on Greek civilization. This means that it will look at how ancient Greek used to be and how it is right now in this era of modernity. It is evident that Greek has contributed to so much especially in languages all over the world thus its history can easily be studied. Many of its writings have been used and are still being used to date but the fact is that it has changed in order to cope with the changing world (Ernst, chapter 1-6). The study of Greek historiography includes looking at the Ancient Greek whereby it is the time from Greek history to the Greek’s Dark Ages including the time when the Romans conquered it. Greek is usually considered as the provocation of Western Civilization foundation because of its powerful culture. The Greek’s powerful culture is moved from the Roman Empire to numerous parts of Europe. The main issue is that Greek civilization has had a major influence in many different languages especially in the European countries. Most of the words used by the different languages have come from the Greek words and symbols. More so, Greek is not only known for its influence in language only but also philosophy, education, art and political systems (Rodger, pp. 51). Many philosophical theories have Greek origin and the use the Greek names. America and Europe adopted these terms and used them in their studies. To date most scientific names have Greek origin. Mycenaean civilization came to an end in 1150BC and there is not so much history about it as many historians study ancient Greek from the Olympic Games in 776BC. Civilization in Greek is said to have begun after the death of Alexander the Great which was in 323 BC. Since the study of the Ancient Greek has mixed up history, it has been divided in to four parts; Greek Dark ages, archaic period, classical period and Hellenistic period. The Dark Ages period is said to have begun on 1100 to750 BC which saw the coming up of geometrical designs which were done on pottery work. The archaic period lasted between 750 to 480BC where artists were characterized by making sculptures that had unique and stiff poses. The classical period was exemplary for instance it had the Parthenon. Lastly, the Hellenistic period which begun on 323Bc and ended on 146 BC was characterized by the gaining of power and expansion of the Greek culture. This was when Alexander the great died and the roman conquest came to an end. The culture and society of the Hellenistic times did not undergo any changes until the time Christianity started to rule (Ernst, chapter 1-6). The rule of Alexander the great brought contributed to the expansion of Greek territories. This needed a political structure that kept on changing with the different phases of Greek civilization. Greece had very many independent cities and they were not divide din terms of tribes and kingdoms like other societies. The people knew that they were one and there was no need to dwell on tribal issues. This is because all of them shared the same language, religion and culture thus unified them. It should be noted that despite the recognition of them being one they were aware of the different tribes and origins where different people came from but this did not divide them at all. This is seen when different tribes in Greece unify to fight against the people who invaded Persia. In addition, the different city states were governed differently. People put up different functions for their kings especially during the Greek Dark Ages. This changed during the archaic period when different cities practiced oligarchies. The governing of a city now became hereditary whereby leadership was passed on to the son of the king. Due to the problems brought about by tyranny like protecting people of the same cultures thus bringing social unrest, Greece was the first to bring up the concept of democracy in the world (David, pp. 120-126). Citizens came for an assembly whereby they could choose who was to run the office and who was not to be in the office. The problem was that the poor people could not speak in the assemblies and even run for office. Later the democracy levels increased leading to the allowance of poor people to speak out their views and the ability for them to run the office. Athens was the first city to practice full democracy leading to other cities copying its strategy (Anne, pp. 38-40). In ancient Greece, there was nothing like special privileges. If one was not native-born in Greece they were not protected by the laws of any city state in Greece. The society was divided in to social classes by the amount of wealth one had. The only way one could move up the social ladder was if they made a lot of money. Slaves were also found in Greece but they did not have any power over any one in Greece. They were supposed to follow orders and they were not allowed to own any kind of property not only democratic rights. Young boys were allowed to start school at the age of seven years. They learnt different things like science, art, music and so on when they were older. At the age of eighteen years schooling had to come to an end and one would now become a useful member of the society by becoming part of the army through intense training (Leonora, pp. 128-130). Reference Anne P. , 2004. The Greek Civilization; Ancient Greece, published by DK publishers. Pp. 38-40. David S. , 2004. Transformation of the culture; Ancient Greek Civilization, published by Blackwell. Pp. 120-126. Ernst Breisach, 2007. Historiography Ancient, Medieval and Modern; published by the University of Chicago press. Chapters 1 to 6. Leonora N. , 2004. Social, political and culture of Greece; Temper of Greek Civilization, published by Brown University. Pp. 128-130. Rodger D. W. , 2008. The Greek dialect, the ancient European languages: Published by the Cambridge University press. Pp. 51.

Future Outlook and Raising Capital in the Sports Drink Market

The approach and obstacles to raising capital and managing future change can make or break a new company that is trying to compete for market share in the sports beverage industry. According to a recent monthly labor report, most new businesses have the best chance of surviving during the first two years (Knaup, 2005). The young company must also determine how to best utilize legal services. It is one thing a new business venture should not only consider but plan for. Another area of concern and attention must go to the issue of raising money to fund the business. The competitive and lucrative sports drink market has in the past been dominated by two main players, Gatorade and Powerade. Together they have long held over two thirds of the market share. However, the future outlook shows that the market is starting to include a wider variety of sports drinks that are targeting a broader range of personal needs. LJ Enterprises will utilize more than one avenue in raising capital. This will help to ensure the new company is funded well from the start in order to give it the best chance to succeed. 1. Discuss the future outlook and industry trends related to the new venture. Future Outlook and Industry Trends The future outlook for the sports drink industry involves many new companies entering the market and offering different types of non traditional sports drinks. Gatorade has been leading the market for years but has yet to really come out with a new product. They have pushed different marketing campaigns and tried to repackage their product a bit, but the formula and product remain fundamentally the same. This is where new companies are able to gain ground against the bigger and more established market leaders. One new trend in the industry is to target a specific segment of the market such as kids or athletes. The now discontinued product Gatorade Tiger was one way the market leader and our competitor tried to innovate and take advantage of this trend. This product was heavily marketed to the endurance athlete and team sports. Powerade is now targeting the kid segment of the market with their product called Powerade Play for kids. This product contains 20% of the Daily Value (DV) of four B vitamins, 100% DV of vitamin C, 20% DV of zinc, a trademarked electrolyte system and 25% less sugar (Spano, 2005). Another industry trend being seen involves the concept of ‘nutrient timingâ€Å". This involves drinking certain nutrients around the time of physical exertion or exercise to allow for shorter recovery time and for specific needs such as strength training or endurance. So far, this practice has focused mainly on carbohydrates and protein but in the future the trend will be nutrient timing for non-nutrients. The most well known sports drink currently involving nutrient-timing are protein based recovery drinks or Ready-to-Drink beverages. LJ Enterprises new product offering, Sore-B-Gone will be a perfect fit for this emerging market trend. 2. Discuss the legal or concerns related to the venture idea Legal Services and Industry Concerns In most cases the entrepreneur will need to protect his or her intellectual property. The practice of acquiring patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets will ensure this property is protected by the courts and through the services of an attorney. An attorney can be specialized in one area such as patents or real estate. It is important for the attorney and the client to develop a good working relationship. This can help to give the entrepreneur much needed confidence and help to ease some of the risk launching a new venture. One if the first things a new company will want to do after hiring the services of an attorney is to have a conversation about patents. Most of the work will be done by the lawyer who will work to secure a patent for the new company. In doing this, the entrepreneur gains exclusivity regarding his or her invention for a limited amount of time. The time that the invention or product will be patented depends on which type of patent is acquired. A Utility patent will grant the owner protection for twenty years from other people or businesses making, using, or selling the invention that has been patented. This type of patent usually involves a process such as the mixture of ingredients. It is this type of patent that LJ Enterprises will seek in order to protect its intellectual property, such as our drink mixture. Another type of patent is called a design patent. This one has a term of fourteen years and involves the appearance of an object. For example, if a company wanted to protect a product or container configuration, this would be the type of patent that would be needed. It will be very important for any company looking to sell internationally to file for an international patent. This will protect the company from unforeseen laws or taxes involving the many different countries. 3. Discuss the approach and obstacles to raising capital for the new venture. Approaches to Raising Capital In the beginning stages of starting a new business venture, the entrepreneur will face many difficult tasks. One of these tasks will be deciding how to raise the necessary funds in order to get their product or idea off the ground. The best course may involve one or many sources depending on the business needs and initial capital already available. One easy and logical first step would be to ask friends and family. In most cases this group is excited about their relatives or friends taking on a new venture with the chance of making a lot of money. However, this approach can damage relationships if certain expectations are not met and/or investments are not paid back as promised. Another problem is that the capital borrowed is often small and not enough to cover all the initial costs. Another more effective approach is through Angel investors. This group has more money available to give the new business but one of the downsides is they may want a stake in ownership, stock options, or some other kind of compensation up front. This will not be an ideal option for the owner who wants full ownership of the company. Yet another option is the standard bank loan. The two key elements to obtaining this type of loan is the business owner’s personal credit history and having a soild bsuiness plan. It is the ntention of LJ Enterprises to first enlist the help of a wealthy uncle with very deep pockets. This initial investment from Uncle Taylor will be around $30,000. A decent sum of money but not enough to do all the things the company initially wants to do. The company will also need to try and secure a small business loan from a bank. We will ask for $50,000 in order to cover all the start up costs and to help out with daily living expenses while getting the product launched. Obstacles to Raising Capital One of the major setbacks to getting capital for a new business venture is the huge risk involved with such an undertaking. However, this risk can be somewhat averted if the business owner can create a good pitch to lenders and managing the money effectively once the loan is secured. Another obstacle to raising capital is not asking for enough money in the first place. In a 2004 U. S. Bank study of reasons for small business failures, 79 percent cited â€Å"starting out with too little money† as one of the causes of their collapse (Sugars, 2007) . Other barriers to getting the amount of capital needed are failure to get the proper legal documents, poor cash flow management, having too many lenders, and focusing too much on the idea and not enough on management. LJ enterprises has considered all of these factors and intends to due the following to increase its chances of being properly funded. First off, we intend to limit our lenders to only two. Secondly, an accountant will be hired to manage the cash flow and overall record keeping. Lastly, the services of an attorney will be utilized from the beginning so that no important legal documents are missed. The company hopes to maximize the chances of gaining its initial capital by following these guidelines. Conclusion Currently one of the most important trends in the sports beverage market is the concept of nutrient timing. It is for this reason that we feel our product, Sore-B-Gone, is being introduced at the right time. It is vitally important to the health and future on the company that the services of an attorney are obtained right from the start. An attorney can not only assist but increase the changes of the new venture obtaining much needed initial capital. If the new company can avoid some of the obstacles to obtaining capital such as managing money effectively and following the advise of the attorney, the company may just survive and thrive in the marketplace.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

My Philosophy of Teaching

My Philosophy of Teaching Every child or adolescent is capable of learning if they receive the proper motivation and instruction. â€Å"A teacher's personal philosophy of education is a critical element in his or her approach to guiding children along the path of enlightenment. †- Barbra Wilt. My philosophy of education gives me the attitude needed to support students during their journey as a life long learner. I strongly believe that education is about contributing to children’s ability to think independently, create their own ideas, and become successful individuals. A teacher must be one who appreciates and respects the value of an education and the positive impact it has on all children. I highly feel that once the devotion for education and love for children are there, then the driving force to be an effective teacher will become stronger and stronger. For me, my love for teaching alone is the driving force in my decision to dedicate my career to being an effective educator. When I think about what education means and what an education looks like; I do not picture straight rows and columns full of eager students ready to learn. I visualize a more realistic picture; one which has small circles for group work, center stations ready for differentiated instruction to take place, and students waiting for the proper motivation to spark their eager minds. I strongly feel that a classroom should be highly interactive yet manageable, full of discussion and cooperative learning. I believe that assessment drives instruction and education in today’s diverse world. A variety of assessment allows one to provide effective instruction and evaluate achievement and learning. I think that assessment is a tool which provides valuable information for educators. With this tool an educator can better meet the needs diverse learners. My idea of a perfect teacher is one who inspires learning in addition to just relating required facts. An ideal teacher applies differentiated instruction and adjusts the curriculum accordingly. My philosophy of education involves a curriculum that provides multiple choices for taking in information, a variety of options for making sense of ideas, and alternative ways for expressing ideas. A teacher should be prepared and ready to implement all of these strategies. As a result of an effective ducation students can become engaged in real world activities. Education is what prepares students to problem solve in a variety of environments and socialize with others. The nurturing environment an education gives exposes children and adolescents to a multiple of life skills they will need on their journey into adulthood. Education gives us the knowledge of the world around us. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. Someone once told me education is instrumental in the development of our values and virtues, and I strongly agree. Education arms us with an insight to look at our lives and learn from every experience. Overall, having an education is so important because it equips us with all that is needed to make our dreams come true. Education opens doors of brilliant career opportunities and gives us choices. An education gives us the opportunity to have better prospects in career and growth. Education is essential as it paves the path leading to success. Most importantly, education instills a sense of pride and knowledge one will need to prepare themselves in life!

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Movies in american culture

â€Å"Sweet Home Alabama† is a movie about Melanie Smooter played by Reese Witherspoon who is engaged to Andrew Hennings played by Patrick Dempsey and was out to go back to her hometown to divorce with her husband Jake Perry played by Josh Lucas. Melanie is a fashion designer who is with Patrick, a son of the mayor in New York. When Patrick asked Melanie to marry her, Melanie decided to go back to her hometown in Alabama to divorce with her husband Jake. Jake didn’t give her what she wants and so she was trap for a wile in the town so as to insist Jake to finally sign the paper of divorce. The story started on a beach with two kids, a boy and a girl. That was Melanie and Jake running on the beach while it’s raining. Jake tells Melanie that he wanted to marry her and Melanie asked why. From that flashback scene comes the present time with Melanie being engaged with her boyfriend and about to face her past with Jake.   It wasn’t easy for Melanie to convince Jake to sign the divorce paper. During her stay in Alabama, she had the chance to visit her family. Melanie soon realizes that a part of her was still on that place. And even if she tries to go on with her new life, there is unfinished business that she needs to settle. Going back to her hometown seems to be an awkward situation for Melanie, especially when she joins her high school friends and reminisced about their old days. Those scenes will provide the viewers a wide understanding of the movie and how the sequence relates to another one. There were less flashbacks but the film provides scenes that will give better understanding to the past where it is important to show how things  happened after Melanie left Jake in Alabama and went to New York. As the film progresses, it clearly showed how a scene is related to another and its viewers will get to understand and appreciate the film more so. The film relates to us a story of a girl who found her new life outside her old hometown and forgets that she is still in that hometown whether she likes it or not. Melanie thinks she got everything she wished for but she didn’t realized that what he left in that hometown will give her more than what she needs in life. Jake on the other hand still loves Melanie and is man enough to accept that Melanie wanted to call everything quits. Jake strived hard to make a good living and Melanie didn’t realize that. A true love story that is romantic on its own, comedy and light.   â€Å"Sweet Home Alabama† is a film that will teach us to appreciate what we had and to learn that it wont hurt us to look back on out past once in a while. Personally, I liked the movie because of its simple and natural attack to its viewers. It will make you relate yourself to the characters of the film and will make you think of a possible situation in your own life. The film thought me that no matter how decided we are on one thing that we thought could make us happy, there is a thing that lies around us that will make us realized how important it is to our life. Regardless of the fact that Melanie has already found her new life and love, she didn’t realize that she left something more valuable and important than any other things in her life and that is Jake. The film also showed us that there are mistakes that could be done right and that no matter how painful your past is, you will never erase the fact that it will always be a part  of whom you are and what you have become. Nonetheless, the film provides us the understanding of how life gives us challenges that we can surpass. That sometimes even if we get out of the life we have and create a new one with others, we will still feel the need to go back to our old life and make it right. The film is beautifully made that is why I recommend this movie to be watched by other people. It showed the very meaning of love and it addresses to its viewer how love is sweeter the second time around. The film should be watched by young adults and as well as by the not so young and old people who is fond of romantic and comedy film. The characters of the film will surely make an impact to the life of its viewer and it will teach a good lesson in life. Indeed, the film gives us the chance to see a good story comes with a good cast of actors with remarkable acting skills. â€Å"Sweet Home Alabama† is a movie that I will not get tired of watching over and over again. It is a movie that will make you smile in the beginning from end. It is a movie with a taste of love, life and second chances put into one masterpiece that will satisfy its viewer to the end. Definitely, â€Å"Sweet Home Alabama† is a great movie to watch with your friends and/or special someone. Keep in mind to just enjoy watching the movie and try to create a story in your mind same as the movie for you to be able to relate your self more to the movie. But the movie is very easy to understand, you just need to take a good look of it and listen to the lines very well. Nevertheless, it is a movie that will share a wonderful life of success, share of pain and a happy ending that will make it even better for you to watch it again. References Sweet Home Alabama (2002). The Internet Movie Database. Retrieved November 26, 2007, from Sweet Home Alabama Facts.   Movies.Com. Retrieved November 26, 2007, from         

Friday, September 13, 2019

Depends on the movie Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Depends on the movie - Coursework Example The most crucial query is your comfort and preference, disregarding common stereotypes and prejudices. This main idea is set forth in rather extraordinary movie The Kids are All Right by Lisa Cholodenko, which tells the story about untraditional married couple. With a help of artificial insemination, Nic and Jules have managed to build full and amicable family, raising two children, eighteen-year-old Joni and fifteen-year-old Laser. The stated movie shows the availability of alternative ways of reproduction, implying today’s solutions and possibility to have kids in same-sex union. The statement of Paul Hatfield, a donor that appears in family’s life so abruptly, saying, â€Å"I loved the idea of helping people, who were in need† (Horowitz, 2010), accentuate mutual assistance and support, which people have to give each other more frequently. Though in nineteen-year-old age Paul’s intentions, obviously, could be called mercenary, because he admits the role of maternal factor, however, being a grown-up person, Mister Hatfield realizes the importance and nobility of his deed, calling to follow his example. Relationships within the family seem to be quite ordinary. Being too serious and demanding all the time, Nic plays the role of the head that makes decisions and gives pieces of advice.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Gaining Leverage in Negotiations Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Gaining Leverage in Negotiations - Coursework Example French and Raven’s five sources of power (1956) refer to a research of where power comes from conducted by social psychologists John R. P. French and Bertram Raven (Changing Minds, 2015). French and Raven derived five bases of power that include legitimate power, coercive power, reward power, referent power, and expert power (Raven, 1990). Legitimate power manifests in kings, police officers, and managers and can achieve effective negotiations by taking advantage of the position to influence people since it is the position they obey and not the holder (Changing Minds, 2015). Coercive power possessed by dictators and bullies can achieve effective negotiations by demonstrating physical harm to the other party. Reward power is often evident in work places and can achieve effective negotiations by offering a reasonable reward to the other party in order to compel him or her to do as your wish. Referent power can apply in celebrities and social leaders who influence those who want to be like them by excluding them from the negotiations. Lastly, expert power can achieve effective negotiations by influencing others to demonstrate or boycott an

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Case study about Verizon wireless issues and possible improovements - 1

About Verizon wireless issues and possible improovements - Case Study Example However, there are several problems with the technologies that Verizon has available that are causing some concern with consumers. In addition, their pricing is well above the average and in the current economy will not encourage consumers to come to their service. Prepaid services are extremely limited and with the number of displaced workers and people who have experienced problems on a financial level, these limitations will hurt their bottom line where increases from alternative forms of service are considered. As well, the iPhone, although a great benefit to the company product line, is currently seeing problems in the way in which consumer groups are rating the product, thus causing problems in promoting the product. As well, AT&T are claiming that they are the only network on which the iPhone can be used for both voice and data at the same time. This deficit in technical capability will hamper the marketing capacity that Verizon has for the product, putting their service in a secondary position. The wireless industry, within the last decade, has taken over the land line industry through increases in product technologies and wireless access technologies. By 2004, the number of minutes used by wireless customers had reached 1 trillion, but in the three years that followed the number doubled to 2.1 trillion. Wireless communications are now used by 80% of the population and exceed 250 million users. The wireless industry invested 24 billion dollars in 2007 and is the resource for employment of 3.4 million Americans. Instant messages are out distancing e-mails as the preferred form of instant communication. The changes in the way in which people communicate through the technologies of wireless and broadband have revolutionized communications in the world (Verizon Wireless, Inc.) In 2007, worldwide revenue for telecommunications through wire line and wireless revenues

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Assess the hierarchical structure of the court system in England and Essay

Assess the hierarchical structure of the court system in England and Wales. To what extent does the common law doctrine of bindi - Essay Example The court system is a hierarchical structure that begins from the bottom at the County Courts and Magistrate Courts, the High Court and Crown Court, the Court of Appeal, and the highest court which is the Supreme Court (Jones, 2011). The hierarchical structure serves two fundamental purposes. First, it enables the formation of a lineage of consistent and uniform decisions through the binding system of judicial precedent, which requires judges at lower courts to consider and follow decisions of judges at higher courts in making their judgements. Second, it enables defendants to appeal against decisions made at lower courts by forwarding their appeals to higher courts. This paper discusses the hierarchical structure of the court system in England and Wales, and the extent to which it engages with the common law doctrine of binding precedents. The Structure of the Court System in England and Wales The court system in England and Wales is hierarchical in structure (Jones, 2011). This â⠂¬Å"means that certain courts are superior to other courts† (Jones, 2011, p. 17). The lowest courts, which are the County and Magistrate Courts, try civil and criminal cases that are not too serious respectively. At the second rank are the Crown Court and the High Court. The Crown Court tries criminal cases, while the High Court tries civil cases with a limited scope over criminal cases. This rank is followed by the Court of Appeal. This court hears appeals from both civil and criminal cases that have been tried at lower levels be it at Magistrate or County Courts, Crown Court or the High Court. At the highest tier of the system is the Supreme Court. This court is the ultimate appellate court and hears appeals for both civil and criminal cases (Jones, 2011). In this structure, Magistrate and County Courts are regarded as inferior courts, while the rest of the courts are regarded as superior courts (Jones, 2011). The courts in the hierarchy follow the doctrine of binding preced ent, and this can be seen from the way cases are handled between lower and higher courts. The following diagram shows the structure of the English court system: Cited in Jones, 2011, p. 17 Magistrate Courts Magistrate Courts are located at the bottom of the hierarchy. Within England and Wales, there are about 1500 Magistrate Courts (Jones, 2011). They are a crucial component of the criminal justice system, as they deal with cases that are criminal in nature. Magistrate Courts have three lay magistrates who hear the cases brought before the court and rely on the counsel of a Clerk, who is legally qualified in providing advice on the law, to make decisions regarding procedure and sentencing (Jones, 2011). The jurisdiction of a Magistrate Court in a criminal trial depends on the nature of the offence, often its seriousness. This is the yardstick used to determine whether a case should be heard at the Magistrate Court or Crown Court. When a case before the magistrate court is too seriou s, or when the sentence that the magistrates need to impose needs to be sufficiently severe, the case is forwarded to the Crown Court. County Courts County Courts also lie at the bottom of the hierarchy. There are approximately 220 County Courts in England and Wales, which deal with cases involving civil disputes (Jones, 2011). The bench of a County Court comprises of a Circuit Judge who hears more

Monday, September 9, 2019

News Director at a television station Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

News Director at a television station - Essay Example In the television business ratings are important. Programs that are able to obtain higher ratings can be used by television stations as cash cows that generate extra revenues because companies are willing to pay higher prices for ads aired in shows that have higher ratings. If I was faced with a scenario in which my news program had achieved low ratings during the last few weeks then I would choose the death of the celebrity as my lead story. Celebrities are icon figures that the general public follows closely. When a celebrity dies the entire media covers the story because people want to know about it. Another reason for choosing the celebrity story over the recreation parks story is because at the beginning of a news telecast it is always important to catch the attention of the viewers. A lot of television watchers are very impulsive viewers especially when it comes to watching news. If a person likes the initial news of the telecast the company increases the chances of retaining t he viewer throughout the entire program. The news story about the city council shutting down the recreational parks three days a week has a lot of social impact. A lot of mothers are going to be affected by this decision because they will have no place to take their kids to play during the days the parks are close down. This news story despite its importance to society would not be chosen by me as lead story when I have a sure top news story that can bring in better ratings. As I mentioned earlier in this industry one has to adapt and make decision depending on the circumstances. ... During political campaign season this story has greater appeal because of the political angle associated with the recreational parks story. During such as season due to the social impact and political implications I would not hesitate to choose this story as my lead. Both stories were good, but the story that brings better ratings should be the priority for a news program. The media industry is facing some tough times as the corporate world is spending less on advertising and the internet has provided a cheaper channel that is taking business away from traditional media such as television stations. Advances in information technology are allowing for faster distribution of information than ever before (Shermerhorn & Hunt & Osborn, 2003, p.348). References Schermerhorn, J., Hunt, J., Osborn, R. (2003). Organizational Behavior (8th ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons. Part II The television device was invented in 1927 by Philo Farnsworth. Television became very popular soon after it reach ed the market because the device fascinated people as it provided great entertainment for the entire family. The television industry has impacted our society deeply and has helped shape our culture. Many television programs were designed to educate people about social causes that affect culture. For example the 1980’s program A Different Stokes starting Gary Coleman showed Americans that biracial families worked because love has no color. A lot of other programs have taught people about different aspects of our culture. Law and Order fans have learned a lot about the American judicial system and its law enforcement. Television has helped document our history. The first space mission to the moon, Apollo 11, was covered by television in 1969. A lot of important events such as

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Information Power Inside An Organization Research Paper

Information Power Inside An Organization - Research Paper Example If the information is used as a means of trade, it possesses a great power (Hersey et al., 2001). Information is necessary for shaping an organizational behavior because information is able to create a great influence on the people in an organization. Many organizations operate out of four major frameworks (Bresnahan et al., 2002). The frameworks include custodial, supportive, autocratic and collegial. Autocratic: the Autocratic model has a basis of power with managerial authority orientation (Anni-Kaisa Kà ¤hkà ¶nen, 2010). This model makes the employees to be oriented towards dependence and obedience on the boss (American Association of School Librarian, 1998). The subsistence need for the employee is met. The result of performance is thus minimal.Custodial: the Custodial model has a managerial money orientation and its basis is economic resources. The employees get an orientation towards benefits and security. The employees are also able to depend on the organization (Salancik, 1977). Passive cooperation is the performance result of this model and it meets the employee need of security. An organization that has this model is referred to as custodial organization (Anni-Kaisa Kà ¤hkà ¶nen, 2010). Supportive: the Supportive model is mainly concerned with the leadership.The managerial orientation of this model is support. The employee orientation is mainly concerned with the job participation and performance.The supportive model enables the employee need for recognition and status to be met.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

International Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

International Economics - Assignment Example Depreciation increases operation and running costs of an organization, especially if it has a lot of imports or outsourced employees. The real exchange rate between the United States and Europe is given by ÃŽ µ. Consider a scenario in which the nominal exchange rate depreciates by 3%, while the price level in Europe increased by 5% and in the United States, it goes up by 2%. What happens to the real exchange rate? In Munich a bratwurst costs 5 euros, a hot dog costs 4$ at Boston’s Fenway Park. At an exchange rate of 1.05 $ per euro, what is the price of a bratwurst in terms of a hot dog? All else equal, how does this relative price change if the dollar depreciates to 1.25$ per euro? Compared with the initial situation, has a hot dog become more or less expensive relative to a bratwurst? Spain and Germany trade a lot between each other. Germany is running an inflation – low, but inflation – and Spain a deflation. Discuss what is expected to happen with the nominal and the real exchange rates between them. The nominal exchange rates of Germany will decrease while the nominal exchange rates for Spain will increase. This is because an increase in commodity prices will cause an increase in the foreign income that is required to purchase local products. The vice versa is true for Spain where a decrease in the price of commodities will reduce the amount of income earned from foreign countries to buy local products. The real exchange rates of Germany will increase. This is because the real exchange rates appreciate an increase in product prices. On the other hand, the real exchange rates of Spain will decrease. This is because real exchange rates depreciate with an increase in product prices.

Friday, September 6, 2019

The poems Half-past Two, Reports and Dear Mr. Lee Essay Example for Free

The poems Half-past Two, Reports and Dear Mr. Lee Essay Look again at the poems Half-past Two, Reports and Dear Mr. Lee. How does UA Fanthorpe create a sense of character in each poem and what does the reader learn about her view of the education system as presented in these three poems? The three poems analysed in this essay are Half-past Two, Dear Mr Lee and Reports all of which are written by UA Fanthorpe. The poems are linked to each other as they refer to the education system. The order of the poems are the least critical of the education system to the most critical. In the first poem I have selected to compare is Half-past Two. The poem follows the thoughts of a small boy, waiting in a classroom for his teacher to arrive at half-past two. The only problem is that he is unable to tell the time and so is unable to judge at what time he must leave the classroom. The minutes he waits in the classroom for his teacher to arrive, feel like eternity to the boy as hes lost in time. The poem shows the young pupils routine being broken, as he dreams of being lost in a world of confusion. The beginning of Half-past Two begins like a fairytale: Once upon in a child-like tone. The main character in the poem is the little boy. The boy is left to stay behind in the classroom as hed done Something Very Wrong. The capitilisation and repetition of the line two lines later, indicates to the reader the teachers angry tone and she was cross show the reader the feelings of the pupil being ashamed. Yet it doesnt go into detail what hed done: (I forget what it was). From the beginning of the poem it is obvious to the reader that it is written by the pupil as an adult remembering back a childhood memory, as the brackets throughout the poem show the adult perspective. As a pupil at the time he hadnt done anything serious as it had not played a significant part in his life. The use of vocabulary such as Grantime indicates to the reader its a small child. Due to the fact the little boys illiterate the spoken words sound like a single unit: Gettinguptime, timeyouwereofftime. This is represented by words being merged together as one. The little boy understands time in terms of actions or events that happened at these times and knows a lot of time for a small child: All the important times he knew. But not half-past two. The boy hadnt been taught time by his teacher, but he was too scared of being wicked to remind her. The little boy is innocent, scared and sad for what hed done and hasnt done anything serious, thus becoming the object of the readers sympathy. The clock face seems real and alive to the boy: the little eyestwo long legs for walking. As he stares at the clock the little boy thinks the clock is talking to him, as UA Fanthorpe uses onomatopoeia: But he couldnt click its language The personification of the clock symbolises how the childs imgagination starts to develop the only interesting and important object in the room indicating the boy feels very mundane: So he waited, beyond onceupona. The boy then starts to fall into a dream world like a fairytale due to the boredom he suffers, which reminds him of bedtime going to a world beyond onceupona. The boys daily routine has been broken, as there are no adults around to tell him when its time to do something. As he falls into a daze: Into the smell of old chrysanthemumsInto the air outside the window, into ever the repetition of the word into suggests the timelessness and the environment around the boy is changing and drifting as he becomes aware of every minute smells as his senses become alert. The other characters in the poem Half-past Two is the little boys teacher. The teacher comes to the little boys rescue. As when she enter there is a dramatic effect, and shes shocked when she see the little boy still in the classroom: And then, My goodness, she said The teachers disorganized, disorientated and forgetful as she scuttled about, panicking about the boy. The teacher is so busy, she cant remember what she has taught her pupils. The reader gets the impression that the teacher is young and doesnt have a lot of teaching experience being new to the field. Its ironic as she says Run along or youll be late as he doesnt know what time is. UA Fanthorpes presentation of the education system as presented in Half-past Two shows the reader how imperative time is in order to function and survive in modern day society. In the poem the importance of time is when the detention ends not when a particular event occurs. The message UA Fanthorpe is getting across to the reader about the education system is that time is crucial and that it must be taught earlier on in the school syllabus rather then a later stage in life, as a young childs sense in life is determined by routine events. The second poem is called Dear Mr Lee also written by UA Fanthorpe. The poem is written in form of a letter, by an English student expressing their love for a piece of literature by Laurie Lee. The student is writing a letter of apology, as they think they have failed an English exam yet may be proved wrong as the student seems pessimistic. The reader learns about why the student is writing the letter and the feelings and emotions of the student about failing an English exam. The beginning of the poem Dear Mr Lee is one long continuous stanza by the student whereas in Half-past Two the poem is written in short verses. The poems are both similar as in Half-past Two the short verses represent the childs short disjointed thoughts as also in Dear Mr Lee the structure of the poem follows the students thoughts like a stream of chaotic consciousness by using enjambment. The reader gets the feeling that the student is three dimensional, as even though the character is pessimistic, yet they are positive about Cider with Rosy. The student is very sarcastic about her English teacher, Mr Smart but shows maturity as she doesnt pass the blame for her failing exam. In contrast to Dear Mr Lee the vocabulary used in Half-past Two is very simple and the made-up words represent a young childs language. The reader learns that the main character in the book is an English student expressing their passion for their favourite author, Laurie Lee. The student addresses Mr. Lee is a sign of the students respect and admiration for him. The student refers to Mr. Lee as Laurie Lee as they see him as a friend: Its rude to call you Laurie, but thats how I think of you. The letter is friendly and informal yet trying to be formal in order to show respect. Other characters mentioned in the poem in Dear Mr Lee is also a teacher just like in Half-past Two. The student describes her English teacher Mr Smart as cynical and uninspiring, indicating to the reader he isnt a supporting and helpful teacher. The name Mr Smart may be an ironic nickname given by the student, yet the reader never finds out. Mr Smart is a direct contrast to Laurie Lee who is his dynamic opposite. He doesnt seem to motivate his students, which is due to the lack of enthusiasm shown by the student towards his English classes. In Half-past Two the teacher didnt mean to leave him in the classroom for that long a period of time to cruel. The teacher had genuinely forgot that she had left the poor little boy in the classroom and did everything she could to slot him back into his usual routine. Mr Smart is harsh and critical as he says to the student that anyone with her punctuation to consider poetry as a career is enough to make the angels weep. Mr Smart is only intereste d in exam results and not the subject. The presentation of the education system in Dear Mr Lee criticizes the education system, as it doesnt credit the students enthusiasm and passion for literature and English. From UA Fanthorpes poem, it indicates to the reader that education is interested in good exam results from pupils and wants a restrictive and analytical approach, which discourages a personal and intimate response from students. The student didnt enjoy studying Shakespeare, as she didnt understand what was being taught. The one book that the student was able to understand and love was the book Cider with Rosy yet when it came to the exam the student didnt much like the questions about social welfare in the rural community and the seasons as perceived by an adolescent. The exam doesnt credit the students enthusiasm and passion for the book, and so the student failed the exam. Unlike Dear Mr Lee the poem Half-past Two is less critical, as it only emphasis the necessity of time. While in Dear Mr Lee is very critical towards the education syllabus, and how the syllabus is being taught. The poems are both similar as the teacher plays a major role in the students view and thoughts. Mr. Smarts attitude towards one of his students has an affect on their motivation towards English. As a teacher Mr. Smart lacked to offer the support and passion the student required in order to appreciate and take leisure in English. The last poem I will analyse is Reports which is also written by UA Fanthorpe. The poem Reports is written from a teachers point of view unlike in Half-past Two and Dear Mr Lee which are written from the point of view of students. Out of all the poems Reports is the most critical, as the teacher shows his or her frustration towards the education system. The teacher is trying to write reports for their students yet in order to justify the truth about the students they must be politically correct. This leaves the teacher stranded and unable to write an accurate, truthful and fair report for the pupils. Due to not writing accurate reports, it leaves the teacher annoyed, as there is no more truth in the education system, which has become corrupt. The poem Reports is the most negative of the three poems, this is due to the fact there isnt one single positive comment made by the teacher. The beginning of Reports has the use of italics in order to indicate to the reader what the teacher is thinking of what to write unlike in Half-past Two where italics represent speech: Has made a sound beginning This is written in typical report style phraseology. The tone of the poem is formal from the start to the end, similar to the poem Dear Mr Lee except Reports is formal through out. The poem is written in stanzas just like in Half-past Two except they are longer showing the thoughts of the teacher are more sophisticated and more developed than the little boy in the poem Half-past Two. Using Pronouns are dangerous as the teacher doesnt want to be personal and indirect which may be considered rude. When the teacher uses the word dangerous they are using a mocking sarcastic tone, as the teacher will be in trouble for breaking a school policy. This proves to the reader that teacher and pupil relationships arent close as shown in Dear Mr Lee where teachers dont want to get personal with their students. The teacher has a very cynical view of reports, as they feel they are obligated to write what people want to hear. The teachers negativity is sensed in Dear Mr Lee as seen by the character M r. Smart. The teacher must constantly remind themself to: Be on your guard The teacher feels the report says something about the teacher and not just the pupil. The teacher must keep on thinking about what the officials want to hear yet something that will be easily understood as the teacher wants something that Should satisfy them. Near the end of the poem Reports the teacher is reminding themself why they wanted to teach in the first place. Like the teacher in Half-past Two the teacher from Reports used to think education was the most important thing in the world. Then after a few years teaching like in the poem Dear Mr Lee teachers were no longer idealistic and think they could change the world. This leads to the failure of pupils due to education. Other characters that are mentioned in Reports are Parent, child, head. In contrast to Half-past Two and Dear Mr Lee the characters mentioned in Reports arent direct and dont speak. The teacher thinks about who will read the reports and they are seen as evil as they will look for mistakes made by the teacher: Unholy trinity, will read Your scripture backwards The holy group of three becomes unholy. Through out the poem the Parent, child, head are mention by the teacher as them. Like evil, the devil will read backwards and three is seen as a magical number. The teacher doesnt want to set them any riddles which will be difficult to understand and interperate. The presentation of the education system in Reports by UA Fanthorpe compared to the other two poems is similar to the moral of Dear Mr Lee is that education is dieing because its becoming controlled and narrow. Pupils are failing because the education system is failing them similar to Reports when the student fails their exam. Yet, in Reports unlike in Half-past Two and Dear Mr Lee it indicates to the reader from the poem that people are no longer able to tell the truth and pupils have no more enthusiasm towards education like in Dear Mr Lee. The education system leads to disillusionment for both pupils, teachers and officials. The future of education will only be grave stones as death is the ultimate teacher ending with an epitaph saying: Rest in peace. From studying all three of the poems written by UA Fanthorpe it becomes obvious to the reader UA Fanthorpe doesnt agree the way education is being run through schools. The message comes across to the reader as UA Fanthorpe criticizes the education system as being corrupt and unjustified. As shown through the poem Reports UA Fanthorpe express her frustration through the teacher. UA Fanthorpe is saying that there is no longer truth and that the education system must be politically correct. My personal response to the poem is that education has become more restricted in the modern day society we are living in today. The education system syllabus concentrates more on getting the grades than getting a pleasurable response from the students. I think for students to be motivated further its imperative they get the inspiration to learn. Obviously this is no longer happening in the education syllabus. As mention in Dear Mr Lee the students passion for Laurie Lees literature, wasnt ever credited by their teacher at the time Mr Smart. The student wasnt enthusiastic about learning, so how is a student meant to progress? I felt there does need to be honesty in the education system in order for it to succeed and be efficient, Reports addressed my attention to this matter. I feel UA Fanthorpe is raising awareness about what the education system is becoming and make us aware of the issue and decide for ourselves.

Analyze Donne’s Duplicity as a Lover in His Poems Essay Example for Free

Analyze Donne’s Duplicity as a Lover in His Poems Essay John Donne is not only the greatest love poet of his time, but also surpasses the limitation of times. Donne’s greatness as a love-poet arises from the fact that his poetry covers a wider range of emotions. He was the first English poet to challenge and break the supremacy of Petrarchan tradition. Though at times he adopts the Petrarchan devices, yet his imagery and rhythm, texture and color of his love poetry is different. There are three distinct strains of his love poetry – Cynical, Platonic and Conjugal love. The Sun Rising is one of Donne’s popular and widely read love poems. It is love poem of an unusual kind. In this poem the poet lover reprimands the Sun and calls it names for disturbing love making. Here as a lover Donne exaggerates his love and his beloved so much that it overlaps the Petrarchan love poetry also. He addresses the Sun as â€Å"busy old fool†. He calls it unruly because, by peeping in to the bedroom through windows and curtains it disturbs the lovers. The poet-lover tells the Sun that lovers’ seasons do not run to its motions. He advises the Sun to go and do such routine and dull jobs like chiding late-schoolboys and apprentices, waking up court-huntsmen and peasants. Love knows no season, no climates. It is not affected by time. The poet’s wit is so clear when he tells the Sun that he has no reason to think that his beams are â€Å"so reverend and strong†. The poet lover could eclipse and could the beams of the Sun with a wink. He does not do so because he does not wish to â€Å"loose her right so long.† He says Thy beams so reverend and strong Why shouldst thou think? I could eclipse and cloud them with a wink. But that I would not lose her sight so long. The poet-lover knows that the Sun would go to the other half of the world and come to that place at this time tomorrow. The poet-lover asks the Sun to go round the world, see all Kings, come back tomorrow and say if â€Å"both the India’s of spice and mine† . He says to leave them alone and to let them love. Again, he says, his beloved is represents the whole world, East Indies and the West indies because of her sweet fragrance and her glitter. Here Donne uses highly hyperbolical words for her beloved. He says again that his beloved is all the states and he is the prince of this state, nothing else matter to him, and nothing else exist for him, except he and his beloved. She is all the state, and all princes I Nothing else is. Furthermore, compared to their love all â€Å"honour’s mimick†, all wealth alchemy.† In the latter imagery there is an allusion to the medieval belief in the powers of magic etc. In this particular poem Donne’s praise for his beloved reaches at the height that is incomparable to nothing. However, we find the opposite side of the coin in the poem namely ‘Go and Catch a Falling Star’. Here we find Donne’s duplicity as a lover. In ‘The Sun Rising’ we find Donne passionate and sensuous as a lover, but in Go and Catch a Falling Star he is very much cynical as a lover. He does not believe in true love. We find Donne’s misogynistic attitude here. The poem starts by challenging to catch a falling star. The falling star can signify something bright and beautiful that has come to an end and how difficult it is hold on to this goodness for ever. It also suggests trying and making a wish and seeing if it comes true. In fact it is as difficult to catch a falling star as it is to get with child a mandrake root which shows the stark contrast of getting a child which is something innocent and joyous to a mandrake root which is used in witchcraft to wish death on someone. Again the contrast of living and the positive is contrasted with death and negativity. Donne here presents many impossible tasks and says to find a true woman is as impossible as the tasks are. He says it is impossible to remember the past years, to listen the mermaid song, and to find the person who clove the Devil’s foot. According to Donne, it is impossible to find; a loyal and chaste woman. The poet, through irony and exaggeration suggests the impossibility of the undertaking to discover a true and fair woman. According to him And swear No where Lives a woman true, and fair. He believes fair women will have lovers and therefore it is not possible for them to be faithful to any of them. If anyone ever found then Though she were true when you met her, And last till you write your letter, Yet she Will be False, ere I come, to two, or three. To him to find a true and fair woman is not a herculean task rather it is impossible. Here we find the duplicity of Donne. He is here misogynist and believes true love cannot be found because of women’s fickleness. Women are inconsistent and for that reason true love cannot be found, as a woman use to love so many suitors. He criticizes the women race and spares no words to ridicule them. Here his misogynistic attitude shows that he has very little respect for love. In ‘The Sun Rising’ we find him as a pure lover, who believes in solely love. He praises his beloved and the placed her with the Olympian goddesses. He same Donne in ‘Go and Catch a Falling Star’ shows abominable attitude towards love and towards women race. He skeptically believes that women are neither deities nor fully honest; they possess all the human shortcomings. Thus Donne’s attitude towards women is materialistic, pessimistic, and occasionally misogynistic. This contradictory attitude as a lover makes him unique. Donne’s love poems are rich with various mood and attitudes. Two opposite sides as a lover is found in this both poems. In one poem he exaggerates his beloved and worshipped her, on the other poem he says women race is perverted race. Two contradictory ideas are given by the same poet. One poem is full of passion and the other is full of abhorrence.